Descendants of Alexander McGREGOR & Janet McDONALD

Alexander and Janet were married in Aberfoyle, Perthshire and their first three sons where born in Callander, Perthshire. In 1818, with their young sons they emigrated to Upper Canada on board the ship Curlew and settled in Lanark County..
Their son Duncan married Mary Ann McTAVISH in 1842. Their family were born in Beckwith Township and in the early 1860;s they relocated to Paisley, Bruce County where Duncan carried out his trade as a blacksmith.


Callander Perthshire, Scotland
with the Callander Bidge across the River Teith and Ben Ledi in the backgound.

Table of Contents

  Descendants of Alexander McGREGOR
  Surname List
  Index of Names
  Sources (Bibliography)

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Please note: The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.

Latest Revision March 2, 2016

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Deep Roots and Tall Trees
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